
最近的案子都會用到WebFarm架構,所以都會準備壹台檔案伺服器(FileServer)存取共用的檔案,我們也不免俗的透過SMB/CIFS通訊協定存取檔案,也就是我們一般 ...,Port445.Windowsusesport445forfilesharingacrossthenetwork.FromWindows2000onward,MicrosoftchangedSMBtouseport445.Microsoftdirectoryservices,oftenknownasMicrosoft-DS,useport445.,WhilePort139andPort445arethemostcommonlyusedportsforWindowsFileSharing,th...

開啟CIFS SMB UNC 連線應開放哪些Ports 與注意事項

最近的案子都會用到WebFarm 架構,所以都會準備壹台檔案伺服器(File Server) 存取共用的檔案,我們也不免俗的透過SMB/CIFS 通訊協定存取檔案,也就是我們一般 ...

What Are SMB Ports?

Port 445 . Windows uses port 445 for file sharing across the network. From Windows 2000 onward, Microsoft changed SMB to use port 445. Microsoft directory services, often known as Microsoft-DS, use port 445.

Understand Windows File Share Ports: A Guide

While Port 139 and Port 445 are the most commonly used ports for Windows File Sharing, there are other ports and considerations to be aware of. For example, if ...

SMB - File and printer sharing ports should be open

Learn how to keep file and printer sharing ports open for Server Message Block (SMB)-based network services and resolve the Best Practices ...

Service overview and network port requirements

This article discusses the required network ports, protocols, and services that are used by Microsoft client and server operating systems, server-based ...

Windows File Sharing with SMB

Port 445. In modern and supported versions of Windows, File and Printer Sharing services use TCP port 445 for direct TCP/IP communications.

SMB Port Numbers

SMB operates on several ports, with the most common being 139 and 445. Port 139 is used for file and printer sharing over NetBIOS, running over ...

What port or ports are used for File sharing in windows?

If the server has NBT enabled, it listens on UDP ports 137, 138, and on TCP ports 139, 445. If it has NBT disabled, it listens on TCP port 445 only.

What is an SMB Port? A Detailed Description of Ports 445 + 139

An SMB port is a network port commonly used for file sharing that is susceptible to an exploit known as EternalBlue exploit that resulted in ...

What is an SMB Port + Ports 445 and 139 Explained

An SMB port is a network port commonly used for file sharing. IBM programmer Barry Feigenbaum developed the Server Message Blocks (SMB) protocol in the 1980s ...